
Employee Spotlight: Ryan Greenwell

Written by Perenso | Oct 2, 2024 5:04:41 PM

Meet Ryan - He transforms data into detailed reports in the office and refurbishes worn-out pinball machines to make them 'as good as new' at home!

Hometown: Renton, WA, USA

What is your role at Perenso and what does it entail: Data, Analytics and Integration Engineer. Primarily, I work with the Success and the Development Teams to translate reporting requirements into actionable tasks to get the proper data out of our transactional database system and into reports.

How long have you been at Perenso: 2 Years

What is your favorite thing about working at Perenso: The people!

How did you end up at Perenso: I had taken some time off during covid and was looking to get back into working with data again. As it turned out, Perenso was also looking for someone to help in the data department.

The most exciting thing you’re working on: Back-end reporting type stuff. Meaning, trying to consolidate different data elements into something that is more easily consumed for reporting.

When you're not working, what are you likely to be doing: One of my hobbies is gaming. That hobby takes two forms: collecting and playing. On the collecting side, I collect and restore arcade and pinball machines as well as home gaming consoles. So, when I’m not fixing or restoring, I like to play them.

Are you a bookworm or a binge-watcher? What is your favorite tv show or book: A bit of both. I like reading many different genres, but mostly fantasy-type books like The Lord of the Rings. I recently read the Monster Hunter series and thought it was a fun read. For TV shows, one of my favorite recent shows is The Umbrella Academy.

What is your all-time favorite movie: Tough question. There are so many great movies. If I had to only pick one, I’d say Apocalypse Now. Bonus answer: my favorite holiday movie is Die Hard.

If you could meet anyone in the world, from any time, who would you meet and why: Bill Murray – He makes me laugh.

Tell me your favorite quote: The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom...You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough. - William Blake. Bonus quote of a fictitious quote: I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?" - Chris Knight from Real Genius.

What is your favorite story that you rarely get the chance to tell: It’s a joke inside a story about a story that involves a milking machine. Highly inappropriate for work, but a fun story though.

Do you have any pets: No

Interested in learning more about the software Ryan works his data magic on?