Employee Spotlight: Elizabeth Holton

April 25, 2024

Meet Elizabeth - She manages customer accounts, organizes trade show travel, and plans her own exciting adventures when she's off the clock!

Hometown: New Orleans, LAImage (1)

What is your role at Perenso and what does it entail: Account Manager and Travel Coordinator - helping clients get their online and physical trade shows set up for success by uploading data, setting up registration, and answering any questions they may have. I also help the Perenso staff get to all of our trade shows by booking their flights, hotels, and rental cars.

How long have you been at Perenso: About 2.5 years

What is your favorite thing about working at Perenso: It sounds like a lie, but the people. I enjoy working and traveling with my coworkers and also getting to know and become friends with our clients.

How did you end up at Perenso: My best friend Nathan has worked for Perenso since it started, and when they needed Event Techs, I immediately signed up after hearing how great this company has been for so long.

ImageThe most exciting thing you’re working on: I'm excited about the new clients I've taken on this year in different markets than I'm used to, and excited to learn more about their needs.

Are you a bookworm or a binge-watcher? What is your favorite TV show or book? Bookworm for sure. It's my goal every year to read at least 100 books. My favorite book I've read this year is Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr!

What is your all-time favorite movie? The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler, followed closely by Scooby Doo. I can put those movies on and instantly be in a better mood.

Name a song that makes you happy. Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root.Image (3)

Where is the coolest place you’ve traveled? That is very difficult to choose. I've been to some amazing places, but I would say traveling to Finland and seeing the Northern Lights is my favorite so far!

Name an item on your bucket list. The top thing used to be to see all 50 states, but after I visit Alaska this summer, I'll have that crossed out. So now it's to ride in a hot air balloon!

Do you have any pets?  No, but I have two neph-dogs that I love like my own children. Appa is a 4-year-old English Cream Golden Retriever and Friday is a 14 yr. old Black Lab!


Want to learn more about how Elizabeth and the Perenso team can take your trade shows to the next level?

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