The Ultimate Trade Show Software for Distribution Companies

May 25, 2021

In the fast-paced world of distribution, managing successful trade shows requires a platform that understands your business's complexities. Perenso goes beyond basic event software, offering a suite of features and tools designed to streamline the entire trade show experience, from pre-show prep to post-show follow-up.

Unveiling a Seamless Event Experience

Perenso creates a seamless trade show experience for all users – exhibitors, attendees, and show organizers alike. Let's delve into 3 key tools that make Perenso stand out:

Host Portal

Imagine a central hub for all your show needs. The Perenso Host Portal grants you administrative access, allowing you to self-serve and instantly access reports, data, and other valuable insights. This empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your trade show strategy in real-time.

Real-time Reporting & Analytics

Gain a deeper understanding of your audience with Perenso's robust reporting and analytics suite. Generate reports for your customers, vendors, sales reps, and even yourself – all delivered in real-time. Track key metrics, identify trends, and measure success for a data-driven approach to future events.

Effortless Event Registration with API Connections

Perenso integrates seamlessly with leading event accommodation platforms. This translates to a smooth and efficient registration process for attendees, eliminating the hassle of juggling multiple systems.


Unique Features to Elevate Your Trade Show Strategy

Perenso doesn't stop at streamlining the basics. It offers a range of unique features designed to give you a competitive edge:

Allowance Configurations

Move beyond one-size-fits-all solutions. Perenso allows you to configure allowances based on various factors, including calculations and purchase history. This flexibility ensures you cater to each customer's specific needs.

Complex Pricing Made Easy

Managing intricate pricing structures can be a nightmare. Perenso simplifies the process by accommodating customer-specific pricing, multiple warehouses, and diverse price zones.

Ordering Group Tiers

You can maintain control over who orders what. Perenso's Ordering Group Tiers functionality lets you define precisely which users can order for specific stores and departments.

Delivery Groups by Item

Cater to diverse delivery needs. With Perenso, you can assign multiple delivery windows and dates to individual items, ensuring a smooth and efficient fulfillment process.

Deals that Drive Sales

Boost engagement and sales with exciting deals. Perenso empowers you to create tiered pricing structures, buy-one-get-one offers, cash-back incentives, and even free stock promotions.

Warehouse Match

Optimize fulfillment by ensuring customer orders are matched with the most appropriate warehouse based on product availability.


A Platform That Works for You, Backed by a Team You Can Trust

Perenso is more than just software; it's a partnership for success. Our platform is designed to adapt to your specific needs, while our dedicated team is always available to support you throughout the entire trade show journey.

Ready to take your trade show to the next level?

Partner with Perenso and discover the difference a seamless, data-driven approach can make. Contact us today and see how Perenso can help you sell better at your next in-person or virtual trade show!