What is a Hybrid Trade Show?

March 11, 2021


If you, like countless others, rely on in person trade shows to fuel your business, the past year has been a whirlwind. The rug was pulled out from under the familiar routine of in-person events, forcing a rapid shift to the virtual world.

While initial concerns swirled, many businesses found success in this new way of connecting. We all became more comfortable with virtual interactions, proving the potential for conducting business remotely. But as we look towards the future, a question lingers: what happens to physical events?

The good news is, you don't have to choose between the established benefits of in-person shows and the newfound reach of virtual experiences. Enter the hybrid trade show: a strategic blend of the physical and virtual realms designed to supercharge your marketing efforts.

What Exactly is a Hybrid Trade Show?

Imagine a trade show with two sides – a bustling exhibition hall for face-to-face interactions, and a robust virtual platform that mirrors the experience for those attending remotely. This is the essence of a hybrid event.

Here's the beauty: you utilize the same core elements – showcasing the same vendors, presenting the same information, and inviting the same audience. But the magic lies in the choice. Attendees, regardless of location or preference, can decide how they want to participate and engage.

Why a Hybrid Event?

The reasons to embrace the hybrid model are compelling:

1. Reach a Wider Audience

Break down geographical barriers and attract attendees who might not have been able to travel for a physical event.

2. Boost Sales

Cater to different buying styles by offering both in-person interactions and the ease of virtual transactions.

3. Mitigate Risk

Protect your investment by ensuring your event continues even in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

A Winning Formula for Your Business

Hybrid trade shows offer a chance to leverage the strengths of both in person and virtual experiences. Imagine:

Engaging Presentations

Live demonstrations at the physical venue can be streamed virtually, ensuring everyone has a front-row seat.

Interactive Features

Virtual booths can offer chat functions, product demos, and downloadable resources, replicating the experience of the exhibition floor.

Lead Generation Powerhouse

Capture leads seamlessly through a combination of on-site interactions and virtual booth engagement.

Ready to Embrace the Hybrid Future?

Hybrid trade shows represent the future of event marketing. They create a win-win scenario for businesses and attendees alike. By providing more options for participation and maximizing your reach, you can unlock new levels of success.

Partner with Perenso

At Perenso, we understand the power of hybrid events. We offer the tools and expertise to help you navigate this exciting new frontier. Schedule a demo today and discover how we can turn your next trade show into a hybrid powerhouse.